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Exploring Rome: The Eternal City

To Whomever it May Concern,


Okay, I'll calm down. But seriously, if you have not already experienced the beauty of Rome, please stop wasting time and book a ticket to The Eternal City. Why? Don't worry, I'll break it down for you!

First, the FOOD AND DRINKS! I'm going to be honest, the moment you have real Italian pizza and pasta, its american equivalent will pale in comparison. Imagine the taste of the finest gnocchi alla Romana dumplings melting onto your depraved american tastebuds. Then imagine deciding to purchase bottle of Chianti Wine to add a new flavor to your table, despite being only 18 years old. There's always something special about doing something terribly wrong, only to realize everything is perfectly fine.

Next, we have Rome's ANCIENT BEAUTY! The world does not call Rome the Eternal City for nothing, after all. Hardly anything can compare to the beauty of Ancient or Fascist Era Roman architecture. I know seeing the Square Coliseum, Vatican, and Sistine Chapel were all life changing for me. There's simply something about Roman architecture's timelessness that truly grabs the attention of tourists from around the world.

Lastly, we have Rome's NIGHT LIFE! Imagine wandering through the lively streets of Rome, pact with people from all over the world. I mean honestly, I've never been to a place where a group of young African men were selling their handcrafted goods while standing right next to a fire-breathing german street performer! The most fantastic part about Rome's night life was the hospitality of the bars and clubs. I mean who doesn't enjoy cheap drinks simply because you're not from around the area?

So, I said it once and I'm going to say it again:


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